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No Ill Mill: Intro to the Bridgeport

1 instructor showing 4 participants the bridgeport manual mill
Introductory - No experience required
Age Requirement : 18+ Years of Age

Instructor: brandon.138

Tags: metalworking

 Registration is closed for this event
Dive into the world of metalworking with the Bridgeport Manual Mill class, where safety meets the art of basic metal milling operations. This class equips participants with the essential skills to master the Bridgeport Mill, a standard manual knee-type vertical milling machine. The Bridgeport name is synonymous with quality, making it a staple in machine shops across the nation.

What to Expect:

In this comprehensive class, participants will learn crucial aspects of the Bridgeport Mill, from safety protocols and basic operations to advanced techniques for successful milling. Topics covered include identifying the locations and functions of safety mechanisms, efficient installation and removal of cutting tools, proper clamping procedures, startup and speed selection sequences, accurate squaring of the machine's vise, and referencing the Machinists Handbook for tool selection, cutting speeds, and feeds.

Workshop Highlights:

- Safety First: Master the use of safety mechanisms, including the milling machine's E-stop, to ensure a secure working environment.

- Tool Mastery: Learn the art of swiftly installing and removing cutting tools, understanding proper clamping procedures, and selecting the right tools for the job.

- Startup Sequences: Navigate startup and speed selection sequences for optimal milling performance.

- Precision Techniques: Achieve accurate and safe squaring of the machine's vise and learn minor procedures for successful manual milling.

- Problem-solving Skills: Discover techniques to salvage a part in case of mistakes or incorrect dimensions, ensuring a successful milling operation.


Participants must watch the following two videos before the class:
Bridgeport Vertical Milling Machine Basics
Metalworking Metrology

(Note: Participants *must* watch the two videos listed above. Anyone who has not watched the videos may be asked to leave, no refund will be issued.)

This class is open to individuals with no previous experience, providing a welcoming entry point into the world of manual milling.

Badge Earned:

Upon successful completion of this class and the online badging process, MakeHaven members will earn the Bridgeport badge. Please allow 3-4 days for this update to be made on your profile.

Sunday August 18th, 2024 from 10:00 AM to  5:00 PM
770 Chapel Street
New Haven, CT 06510
United States
Workshop Ticket Fee
Standard Public Ticket $226.00
MakeHaven Members $193.00

Need Based Workshop Price Adjustment

MakeHaven offers a price reduction for individuals who are below a threshold income level.
You can apply at: Workshop Price Reduction Request.

Event and Workshop Info

Learn about our event policies, such as cancellations and inclement weather: Event Policies Page
Find the answers to the most commonly asked questions about workshops and events Event and Workshop FAQ.



Our facilities undergo periodic reviews to maximize ADA compliance. We offer accessible bathrooms, elevators, and wide walkways. In tool usage, we aim for universal access and work individually to adapt tools for safe usage as necessary. If you anticipate needing an adaptation to participate in this event or have further questions, please contact us at