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Workspaces for Makers

A Launchpad for Success

Rent private workspaces in our makerspace, equipped with an array of tools. Ideal for startups and dedicated makers.

  • Rates range from $200 to $800 per month.
  • Flexible month-to-month terms.

Apply for Space or Schedule a Tour

* A $60 makerspace membership is required.

Example workspace
Example of a 75 sq ft ($200) workspace in the basement.

1st floor Startup Workspace
1st floor Startup Workspace (newly established, currently vacant).
Area of Building Space Type/Description Availability Monthly Cost
1st floor Startup Studio (open floor plan) 150 sq ft floor space #1 Available $500
1st floor Startup Studio 150 sq ft floor space #2 Occupied $500
1st floor Startup Studio 150 sq ft floor space #3 Occupied $500
1st floor Startup Studio 230 sq ft room with door Occupied $800
1st floor Startup Studio 120 sq ft room with door Occupied $500
1st floor Startup Studio 46 sq ft room with door Occupied $250
1st floor Startup Studio 57 sq ft room with door Occupied $300
Basement Makerspace Private Room 12 x 18 sq ft; 216 sq ft Unavailable $650
Basement Makerspace Private Room ~16 x 18; 281 sq ft Occupied $750
Basement Shared Workspace Room Workspace Area #1 Occupied $250
Basement Shared Workspace Room Workspace Area #2 Occupied $200
Basement Shared Workspace Room Workspace Area #3 Occupied $200
Basement Shared Workspace Room Workspace Area #4 Occupied $300
Basement Shared Workspace Room Workspace Area #5 Occupied $250
Basement Shared Workspace Room Workspace Area #6 Occupied $200
Basement Shared Workspace Room Workspace Area #7 Occupied $200



Who is this for?

Our workspace caters to makers, startup businesses, and passionate hobbyists seeking a dedicated space away from home for their projects. We prioritize those focused on physical creations, ensuring compatibility with our makerspace environment.

What's included in the workspace?

Enjoy our vibrant makerspace atmosphere, complete with a complimentary coffee/tea station and an outdoor patio. While many bring their own furniture or set up shelving, we offer desks, chairs, and rolling file cabinets on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is a classroom which can be reserved at no additional by workspace tenants as a confrence room on a first come, first serve basis.

Is Makerspace Membership Required?

All individuals requiring independent access to the workspace must have a membership. Membership can bring supervised guests.

Is Membership Included?

Membership is not included. Makerspace membership is $50 per month.

What about Utilities?

We pay utilities. We may disallow activities that consume excessive energy such as mining bitcoins.

Can I Reserve Tools or Use as Factory?

Workspace renters can use the makerspace to build prototypes, individual pieces, and small runs of products. When production ramps up and large blocks of time are needed on specific tools like our CNC or laser cutter, MakeHaven will make special arrangements for reservation of tools at off-peak times available for a reasonable usage fee. As your startup grows to full production, we will try to connect you to resources so you can upgrade to your own independent space.

When can I use the workspace?

Anytime. 24/7.

Do I pick my own workspace location?

Yes, we have several spots predefined, they are available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Can I share the workspace?

Yes, as long as the person is a member you can share the workspace. Guests can also visit as long as they are accompanied by a member. See MakeHaven’s guest policy for more about this. Guests must be chaperoned and sign the standard MakeHaven guest waiver. If you are sharing a workspace, it must be with another MakeHaven member. There must be a primary workspace contact responsible for paying, you can work out sharing after that between you.

Is it secure?

We will have security cameras to deter malicious activity. We will also have a code key to the room so the room can be locked. However, the nature of shared environments prevents 100% individualized security. We encourage you to use a locking cabinet for sensitive materials and consider what valuables you leave behind. MakeHaven does not take responsibility for any missing or damaged items.

Can I build a structure in my workspace?

No, in order that the sprinklers provide their intended protection, no significant structures can be built. You can, however, build custom movable furniture such as workbenches and shelves. You can mount things to the wall but are responsible for repairs when finished with your space.

What activities can I do?

Only office-appropriate activities can happen in these workspace areas. This includes desktop 3D printers, sewing machines, hand tools, and other desktop machines which you would be allowed to use in an office environment without special setup or ventilation. You would not be able to set up and use a table saw or other tools that produce significant dust or noise. MakeHaven reserves the right to prohibit any activity in order to maintain a safe and pleasant space.

I am building software or a business with no physical making component, am I in the best place?

There is an application because we are being intentional about building a community of people making things. We generally do not accept software-only, consulting, or marketing startups unless they are connected to a physical product. We are aiming to build a maker community of entrepreneurs and enthusiasts building things. We want everyone to understand that making things does make a little noise and can be a bit more messy than a typical office space. There are certainly exceptions to every rule, so there is no harm in applying no matter what your case. However, you may look at others in the co-working network for your venture: District Drive, ClimateHaven, or Known Coworking.

How long will the price stay the same?

Your prices are subject to change with 60 days notice. We generally review our pricing structure annually. Our goal is to make it affordable.

What are my obligations?

Pay your monthly fee on time. Give 30 days written notice when you plan to end your space rental. Keep your space clean and compatible with others working in the room. Return your workspace and area to the condition you received it in.

Is there a deposit?

No, there is no deposit required, but we must have a chargeable card on file for any damage or to charge a fee if your materials overflow into other workspaces.

Any other rules?

Those with a workspace cannot sleep in that space or live out of that space by storing clothes and significant personal items. You may not cook in the workspace or leave food or other items that could create an unpleasant smell. The space must be kept orderly, and stuff must not be stored in a way that poses a danger. All rules of MakeHaven membership also apply in workspaces. This includes prohibiting firearms, explosive devices, or hazardous materials on MakeHaven property.

Can I rent multiple workspaces?

Sure, talk to us, we want a community of different makers but we may be able to accommodate multiple spaces, so reach out if you are interested.

What does the agreement look like?

You can preview the template that we use to create the agreement that you would sign.

What's the next step?

We recommend you set up a tour of MakeHaven and let staff know you are interested in also seeing the workspaces.

When can I start?

Now, it is on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Join our thriving community of makers and innovators. Take the next step in your creative journey!




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